“Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.”
Atlantic Avenue Athletic Club
Is a strength + conditioning gym in Toronto near Keele and Dundas offering physical and mental preparedness to those for whom fitness is a necessity, and for whom it is a culture.
We offer classes 6 days a week in a no-ego, progress-minded training environment for $175/month,
as well as private training and programming by request.
We are focused on providing expert instruction and physical training for people of all fitness levels. Our training is varied but never random, and performed with intensity, though never at the expense of standards or safety.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? Book a visit, observe a class, or let us know how we can help you start.
Our purpose is the constant costruction, refinement, and transmission of hard, simple, and infnitely adaptable paths geared to help people think, act, and react in lasting and non-disposable ways.
We offer morning, daytime, and evening classes in the best group training environment in the country.
Train as often as you like for $175/month.
The Toronto chapter of the Wolf Brigade Public Assistance project has operated in-person sessions since Spring 2019.
We will resume Summer 2024.
In the meantime, please see our Instagram for detailed class narration, and movement details.
Free- but earned- the only requirement is effort and a non-modern attention span.